Work-related spine injuries are a growing concern, often caused by prolonged sitting, repetitive movements, heavy lifting, and awkward postures. These issues can lead to chronic pain, reduced productivity, and even long-term disability. At Medi Sense Clinic, we focus on prevention and treatment through ergonomic solutions, proper lifting techniques, and early medical intervention, helping employees stay healthy and productive.

Dr. Farzad Ravari is a seasoned Orthopedic Surgeon with over 18 years of experience. Holding a Doctor of Medicine (MD) and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Purdue University Global (USA), he is licensed by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).

Dr. Ravari specializes in advanced orthopedic procedures, including sports injury treatment, knee arthroscopy, cartilage grafting, joint replacements, and AO trauma management. He is also skilled in P-PRP therapy, gait disorder management, and treating congenital deformities and bone tumors.

Additionally, Dr. Ravari has pursued advanced training in rehabilitation and research as a Ph.D. trainee at the University of British Columbia (Canada), with expertise in various research methodologies and biostatistics.

In today’s fast-paced work environment, spine problems are increasingly common, especially for people who either sit for long hours or perform physically demanding tasks. Whether your job involves sitting at a desk or lifting heavy objects, your spine can be at risk. At Medi Sense Clinic, we specialize in helping prevent and treat work-related spine issues, so you can stay healthy and continue doing what you love.

Common causes of work-related spine problems:

  • Prolonged Sitting: Office workers, remote employees, and those in similar professions often spend extended periods sitting in front of computers. Poor ergonomic setups, such as incorrect chair height, improper screen alignment, and lack of lumbar support, can lead to poor posture, causing strain on the spine.
  • Repetitive Strain: Jobs that involve repetitive movements, such as assembly line work, typing, or lifting, can lead to overuse injuries. Repeated stress on the spine and surrounding muscles can cause conditions like herniated discs, chronic back pain, or even sciatica.
  • Heavy Lifting: Workers in industries such as construction, warehousing, or manual labor often lift heavy objects. Improper lifting techniques or overexertion can place excessive pressure on the spine, leading to injuries such as slipped discs, muscle strains, or fractures.
  • Awkward Postures: Jobs requiring prolonged periods in awkward positions, like bending, twisting, or standing in one spot for too long, can also lead to spine problems. These postures can cause muscle fatigue, spinal misalignment, and long-term damage.

How spine problems affect employees:

  • Chronic Pain: One of the most common consequences of work-related spine issues is chronic pain. This pain can significantly affect a person’s quality of life, leading to discomfort, reduced mobility, and psychological stress.
  • Reduced Productivity: Employees suffering from spine problems often experience decreased productivity due to pain, frequent breaks, or the need for medical appointments. This can also lead to increased absenteeism, impacting the overall efficiency of the workplace.
  • Long-Term Disability: In severe cases, spine injuries can lead to long-term disability, preventing individuals from returning to work. This can affect the employee’s livelihood and increase healthcare costs for employers.
  • Mental Health Issues: Chronic pain and physical limitations can contribute to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. The stress of dealing with ongoing pain and the fear of worsening conditions can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental well-being.

Preventive measures:

  • Ergonomic Workstations: Employers should prioritize the creation of ergonomic workstations. This includes adjustable chairs with lumbar support, desks at proper heights, and computer monitors at eye level to reduce strain on the neck and back.
  • Education and Training: Workers should be educated in maintaining proper posture and using correct lifting techniques. Regular training sessions can help employees understand how to protect their spines while performing their duties.
  • Regular Breaks and Exercise: Encouraging employees to take regular breaks, stand, stretch, and walk around can alleviate the strain caused by prolonged sitting or repetitive tasks. Promoting exercise routines that strengthen the back and core muscles can prevent spine problems.
  • Use of Assistive Devices: In physically demanding jobs, assistive devices such as lifting equipment, ergonomic tools, and supportive footwear can help reduce the risk of spine injuries.
  • Early Intervention: Employers should encourage employees to seek medical attention at the first sign of back pain or discomfort. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent minor issues from developing into more severe conditions.

Work-related spine problems are a growing concern for employees and employers alike. At Medi Sense Clinic, we are dedicated to preventing and treating these issues through our specialized occupational medicine services. By fostering good habits, encouraging early treatment, and implementing ergonomic practices, we can help create healthier workplaces where people can thrive.

“Prevent work-related spine injuries by prioritizing proper ergonomics, regular movement, and early intervention for any discomfort.”

To book appointments with Dr. Farzad Ravari, kindly contact at 0097143809803; Ext 1021/ 1023 or email at


  • Alisa, D. et al. (2019)
  • Frank, J. et al. (1998)
  • Deyo, R.A. et al. (2014)
  • Russo, F. et al. (2021)
  • Staal, J.B. (2003)
  • Open AI images